Family Photos.
It has only been six years since our last family photos. We were a family of three, Dylan was only six months old and I remember thinking “We’ll do this (at least) every year!” ….Oops! Days went by, months, then years and now here we are - six years later getting the band together with our “newest” member (of three years) for a little photo sesh! To be honest, it probably would have been another few years if Rob hadn’t pulled the trigger. He called me on a Thursday and said casually “Oh yeah, we’re having family pictures taken Tuesday!”. I did not know whether to be elated that he took the initiative or curse him, because ummm, TUESDAY!?! (Like in 5 days?!). This was something that I recall doing a little planning & prepping for last time. This time - not so much.
I knew that I wanted to wear a dress of some sort, to feel at least a little bit fancy, having (with no exaggeration) wore nothing but elastic band pants for over a year. I remembered a dress that I saw a few weeks prior, so I got off of the phone with Rob…went to the website…ordered my size…and considered myself done. It would arrive the day before the pictures, which felt a little risky, but “Oh well!”! …I simply wished myself luck & moved on. Next, I figured out what the rest of the gang would wear from utilizing items in their closets. Ryder wore Dylan’s hand-me-downs and then I ordered Dylan a sweater & the boys each a pair of shoes (all from Target) and that was it. Done. No stress & not much time spent on it! Well, maybe except for some miles on my car. The funny thing about the Target items was that I didn’t have enough time to have them shipped to our house, so I shopped online & utilized the store pick-up option and OF COURSE all three items that I needed were only available in the correct sizes at three different Target stores none of which were the closest to me. So that was fun! …A northeast Ohio tour of Target stores on another wild Saturday night! Rob of course thought I was nuts, but don’t you worry, I quickly reminded him that he had done the easy part of scheduling the shoot! ;) The real ”work” comes in figuring out what the heck everyone is going to wear! All really, unimportant problems, but we had a good laugh about it nonetheless. And honestly, what mama of little ones, doesn’t mind a little alone time in her car listing to everything from 90’s rap to Glennon Doyle’s, Untamed for the 3rd time. …It was basically a vacation. ;)
What I realized from all of this, is that it all worked out just fine. Better than fine actually. I didn’t care about so many of the things that I probably cared about six years ago (I didn’t have time too, not to mention, what’s really important has shined bright this year in our household, you know, things like health, family…& hand sanitizer! ha!). I’m talking about not zoning in on the little things like the boys not having fresh hair cuts - not a big deal. I was just happy that their hair had been mostly salvaged by a stylist awhile back, after daddy’s attempt at a “covid cut”. (Makes me laugh just thinking about that situation. Maybe Rob will let me post one of those pictures for you) And when it comes to me. I LET IT GO too, the little things, like my hair & no one having touched it besides me in over a year, or the fact that I was still recovering from surgery feeling far from back to myself, the list goes on & on. ALL, again, not a big deal. We were all healthy, our photographer was availible & that was enough to proceed! Of course there is naturally some wanting to look presentable and polished to a certain degree for family photos, but ultimately, I just wanted pictures of us, together! Our family, the October 2020 version…well…minus the elastic band pants and face masks. Pictures of the boys where they are, Rob and I where we are. Right now. The done, and the undone. & Hopefully at least a few with us all in the same frame (without it being a selfie) & with at least someone looking at the camera.
When I look at these, honestly, I just see all of the goodness & all that we have to be grateful for - my whole world & nothing else. These fill me up with love. Not that I don’t already feel grateful and or that I need these for my love tank, because I don’t. But I do see our love for each other here, in a way, that sometimes the day to day craziness can cloud. I love that their little personalities came out in these photos too. Ryder with his snuggles & tender heart, his facial expressions & his big boy belly laughs. Dylan and his energy, literally had to reel him in from running, red faced and starting to sweat. His joy and his natural ability to make everyone laugh. Their brotherly love that is crazy strong - and the fact that it is captured here melts my heart. I love them and I love our little family. I’m so glad that I washed my hair for this occasion!
Heck! Next year I might care even less about planning & just wear the damn elastic-band pants! ;) xo. e.
& Lastly, Hilary Bovay Photography. THANK YOU!!! We love you & your photos! Not only will we treasure them for years to come, but the memory of it all too! So many laughs! The BEST!