Daily drinks.

When I find something that works for me I tend to stick with it - whether it’s a certain exercise, food or something random like a face moisturizer. I am a creature of habit, I love routine and I am currently in a rhythm with with my morning beverage situation and it really seems to be benefiting me...and I enjoy it! I start the day off with 16 oz of warm water with fresh lemon juice and a little raw honey. Not only have I come to love this morning ritual, but it is also such a great way to flush out toxins from your body, hydrate your system & start your day refreshed.

Then about a half hour later I juice, and then drink, 24 to 32oz of fresh organic celery juice on an empty stomach. I started this routine in March with 16 oz & then worked my way up over time. You can start with less than 16 oz if desired & then work your way up from there to 16oz, or more (up to 32oz). Ideally, 16 oz (at least) is recommended daily in order for the juice to effectively work it’s magic in your body. I first tried jumping on the celery juice wagon about two & a half years ago, but at the time it didn’t seem to be working for me. However, what I know now is that IT WAS! My body was just adjusting to the not so good stuff going out, thanks to the all of the goodness that was going in. In case you are not familiar with this magical tonic for your body…celery juice has been said to lower inflammation, strengthen the immune system, support weight loss, help heal digestive issues, help with eczema & psoriasis, fight infections, help reduce depression and anxiety, prevent high blood pressure, lower high cholesterol, alkalize the bloodstream and body, flush out toxins and on & on & ON! Sound like a miracle juice? It is. …In. My. Opinion.


Warm water with lemon & raw honey. Celery juice.

…..Every. damn. day.

Like I mentioned, this is my opinion, based on my experience & my own research into the matter. Personally I have experienced the benefits of it in regards to a few things including digestive issues, rosacea and anxiety just to a name a few. I stumbled across the idea of drinking celery juice every day when seeking out the most natural approaches to help me with my ailments/symptoms. & Not only did I discover the healing properties available in celery juice, but it also sent me down a path of even more ways of caring for my body which I will be sharing too along the way. This now has also become something that I look forward to every morning - even the juicing part of it! I feel like as a mom trying to balance all of the things, my days can easily become about the kids and virtual learning and work and this and that, but I do take this little bit of time for myself each day to juice the celery for me, even if I’m drinking it on the go. It’s just part of my routine now (because I decided that it was going to be, otherwise Id still be saying “i’m going to try it”, ha!) and I genuinely feel a calming effect when I drink it. This might have something to do with the comfort of my well established routine, however I believe its’ more. The mineral salts in celery are said to aid our bodies in its optimal functioning on so many levels! One way being that the mineral salts are actually an important support for the central nervous system AND, in addition, they also offer stress assistance through their support and stabilization of the adrenal glands. Anthony Williams calls them the “magnificent mineral salts” because of their extensive abilities to aid our bodies in it’s daily functioning. I think those specific examples speak to the calming effect that I feel when drinking it and the reduction of my anxious tendencies over time. I’ve been at it daily for nine months now and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon. Also, I’m not sure I’d know what to do if I wasn’t wiping out the organic celery bin at the grocery store every couple of days. Cue grocery checkout person “Wow, this is a lot of celery!?” …Yes, yes it is…

Can you relate to this? …Or are you on team No, thanks?

I’d love to hear!

xo. e.

If you are at all interested in how celery juice might benefit you, then I would suggest that you read more about it to understand all that is celery juice. The how, the why and the testimonials. That’s what I did. I heard about it, looked into it & quickly became interested to at least give it a try and I’m feeling better for it. I started here & expanded out by reading Anthony Williams books from there.

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