Snack break.

Days are busy and often taking the time to eat feels like such an inconvenience - like there isn’t enough time. Somedays it takes a conscious effort to remind myself to stop & take a minute to eat something! When I do my energy level is always higher, my mood is always better and my body is surely grateful. Same goes for making sure that I am also taking the time to drink water! I find that if I let either of these things slide because of being “too busy”, I just feel off and edgy all day. Not exactly helpful with two kids at home, virtual learning and not to mention trying to accomplish anything work-related. I’ve learned the hard way on this one several times- getting caught up in the day to day & ultimately not taking care of myself in the simplest way (with FOOD & WATER!). Not only does it effect my mood and body negatively, it also effects my immune system. I end up getting run down, because my body is running on empty. Not enough H2o, not enough fuel, not enough nutrients, not enough immune support & down I go. It actually sounds so silly, as I write it, because I love food & I actually enjoy preparing it too. But mama’s, do you feel me? Or anybody for that matter? Somedays it’s just so damn hard to take the time to eat & drink! (…Water that is ;) I know my husband does the same thing. He’ll be so busy throughout his day that he’ll get home and be starving, having not had anything to eat all day. Whhhhyyyyyyyyy, do we do this?

I keep reminding myself that the effort I put into eating enough and drinking enough throughout the day is going to actually be more beneficial to me in not only accomplishing more, but feeling better for it too. My morning breakfast routine consists of beverages and a smoothie, so that helps with fueling up in the a.m. & being on the move - it’s after this where I start to get caught up with all of the things, but I’m trying to turn over a new leaf and make time for lunch and a snack break too (which is all kind of extra). And by snack break, I mean taking the time to grab something or make something real quick. One day, maybe I’ll get down “eating only” and not eating while trying to accomplish additional tasks. Baby steps. I’ve never been much of a meal prepping kinda of gal, but I might give it a whirl to see how it goes. I usually just throw a bunch of greens and veggies together for lunch and lately my go-to snack has been two thin rice cakes with avocado and some more veggies piled on. I am always trying to add in as many vegetables as I can, where I can (juices, smoothies, snacks) - because eating whole foods is what nourishes & fuels my body best and will also surely assist me in my re-rooting.

For me it’s the little things like this - acknowledging that “taking the time to eat” is really important for me on so many levels. What I've been doing is acknowledging it, but not putting any action into making the change. I’ve been doing this in a few areas in my life lately (you’ll probably hear about them) and I’m just trying to choose action these days. Especially actions that involve self-care.

Where do you fall on taking the time to eat throughout the day? I’d love to hear.

xo. e.


Rice cake with avocado, cucumber, carrots, mixed cabbage, scallion and kale.

RecipesErica DeMuchComment