Mellow Mama.


Who dat?…

Not me so much in 2020, but thanks to a household cleaner...I’ve had some gains in my mellow vibes. Yes, really. A household cleaner, led me to finding a little more mellow in my life…

Let’s take it back to March. I was already having a challenging year due to some health obstacles and then along came the corona virus (not to me personally), which proceeded to take away even more of my (already in the negative) mellow. & As we know, with covid, came the shut down and I was now no longer taking my occasional “wild, kid-free” trips to Target - where I would leisurely peruse the cleaning supply isle in search of the best non-toxic cleaner options for our home. Exciting, I know, but it’s just who I am. Anyway, lets face it, even if I would have wanted to head out during the height of it all the cleaning supply isle would have been totally EM-PTY!

So with the shut down, my house still needed to be cleaned, but what to do - finding cleaning supplies was nearly impossible. Then I remembered that more than a year earlier I had ordered a bottle of non-toxic Thieves household cleaner that I knew was buried somewhere under my kitchen sink. To make a long story short - From that day forward Thieves cleaner and I went on to become quarantine besties! I went from having a bottle of cleaner for this, and a bottle of cleaner for that - to replacing every single household cleaner in our home with Thieves. This however (my love affair with Thieves) is a whole other post - so stay tuned for that…

Back to how this helped me to chill the heck out. …Well, eventually, I needed another bottle of cleaner. I had purchased the first bottle through Young Living at retail pricing, because I was skeptical about signing up to become a member. I feared that I would be signing my life away to some oily witch cult, where Id have to place orders every month and would be hounded to sell product as part of there MLM, format. I was not going to fall for that! No thank you. Pass. I knew better, wink, wink. The only problem was, I really couldn’t imagine life without my new magical cleaner (serioulsy). I also didn’t want to pay retail for it anymore either - so I did some research and got to the truth of the matter about the company & signing up, which I am happy to report completely cancelled out ALL of my incorrect & preconceived notions.

Feeling comfortable and confident with proceeding, I decided to sign up for a starter kit of essential oils to become a member of Young Living. Ordering a starter kit allows members to receive wholesale pricing forever and earn reward points back with each purchase (if you should choose to purchase again that is, the starter kit could be a one time purchase if you choose), anyway, think of it like purchasing a Costco membership, once purchased it’s there if you decide to use it (the discounts & the rewards). This concept or policy did not frighten me and it was clear that I did NOT have to order monthly, nor would I be obligated to sell a thing. WHEW!!! I choose to sign up with a starter kit of essential oils which included diffuser, because I have dabbled in oils for years and had heard of the purity & quality of YL’s products. I wanted to see for myself. I figured, Id get the starter kit with the oils and the diffuser and then I would add a bottle of the cleaner to my order at wholesale pricing. Easy, peasy, I looked at it as a win, win. I get to play around with some oils during quarantine (a little treat for mama) and I’ll get my cleaner with the membership pricing there after.

This is the part where the cassette tape makes a rewind sound and starts to play again…. Not. even. close. to what happened!

What happened was…. I received my starter kit and immediately dove into diffusing oils that made our house smell ahhhhmazing! This alone made me so happy and I felt really good knowing that I was filling our house with pleasant smelling, non-toxic oils that came directly from plants (no dilution, no added stuff). Just pure, high quality essential oils - the difference in quality from other brands I’d tried was quickly clear! These were 100% the real deal & I was in l o v e. Slowly, I started learning more about oils and the different ways that they could be used therapeutically- so I began using them like a little wellness toolbox for myself and my family. I used the oils for tummy aches, stuffy noses, pain relief, boo boo's and other ailments. Also, immune support, sleep support and emotional support! Yes, emotional support! I started using essential oils for emotional support. As someone who can ride on the anxious side of life anyway, not to mention health stuff and pandemic stuff, I noticed that when I would diffuse or use certain oils topically, I would just feel better. More MELLOW!!!! I soon began incorporating the oils that worked for me into my daily life, multiple times a day and especially in critical times where I needed a little extra boost in the right direction. I can not tell you how many times they have helped ground me, center me and mellow me out. My favorites for this are Valor, Peace and Calming & Frankincense. My “Mellow Mama” holy grail of a roller blend. I apply it topically on the hour. Okay, totally kidding, not hourly, but definitely multiple times a day. It’s become my daily “dose” of calm.

There are so many ways that we have experienced the power of essential oils in our home and in our family. I could probably do a post on each one. And I probably will. Maybe emotional support isn’t your thing, maybe it’s sleep or immunity or stress…I’ll be covering it all. I am now that lady. The crazy oil lady. My intention forever has been to share, inspire & help in the holistic non-toxic living realm. & These oils (& the cleaner for that matter) have literally enhanced my life in so many ways that I just can’t help but talk about it, ESPECIALLY if any of it could also benefit someone else. Emotional issue, different issue, OR maybe you just want your house to smell ahhhhmazing! Well, I’m still all about that too!

Young Living truly makes it so simple to ditch and switch toxic products from your home - which is how I got here - sharing about it with you. I never thought Id be so into oils or one company for that matter - although my family and close friends don’t seem surprised. They say it suits me and I have to say, I agree. It’s a one stop shop for non-toxic products from home to beauty. No more trying to figure out what’s toxic and what’s not. The company is legit and the products are too! Like I mentioned, you don’t have to order monthly, or regularly, or sell anything, ever. Promise. I assure you this is not a scheme of any sort. Some MLM’s are & that unfortunately gives the good ones a bad wrap too. I am not joking when I say that the decision to order an essential oil starter kit from Young Living earlier this year has really pulled me through some moments. Not only have the products supported me in so many ways, but I’ve also had so much fun learning about the different oils and products and benefits and on and on. It’s given me something to focus on outside of personal and current worldly challenges. It’s been something to dig into and be excited about - good for me on ALL of the levels.

I find comfort knowing that I am further rid-ing our home of harmful products and supporting my family with as many natural approaches to health as possible - this is my jam! …& I have better vibes on top of it all. The BEST!

xo. Mellow Mama ;)

If you’re interested in the Mellow Mama blend mentioned above reach out to me here . I’d love to connect with you!

Or you could get started here.