S'more please!

The days are getting shorter and the air is getting crispy which means in our home we start to crave all of the seasonal Fall cozy eats. Hearty soups, baked squash, zucchini bread and yes…s’mores! We do not mess around with the s’more game in this house. The more decadent the better, always! We have a few favorites that utilize our creamery’s fresh chèvre. You may be thinking s’mores and goat cheese? Please, let me assure you - it is a divine combination! One of our most favorite fireside treats features the Pumpkin Chèvre. The seasonal flavors of this cheese are subtle, smooth and down right delicious. We amplify this goodness by adding pieces of Toffee Almond Milk Chocolate bars along with the necessary Graham Crackers and roasted Marshmallows - slightly burned of course!


Pumpkin Chèvre with Toffee Almond Milk Chocolate.

Marshmallow slightly burned, of course!

Then there is this s’mother of s’mores that is just insane. Again, goat cheese. This time, Apricot Ginger Chèvre which gently warms and sweetens the deal with its bright and energetic flavors. This somehow combines beautifully with a White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup, Marshmallow and a Cinnamon Graham Cracker for a little extra oomph of Fall.


Apricot Ginger Chèvre & a White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup

…On a Cinnamon Graham Cracker.

And lastly, the best part of all of this cheesy s’more Fall goodness is the time that we spend together around the fire - roasting the marshmallow, having the laughs and enjoying each other (well unless one of the kids is having a meltdown). But really, it’s the time we spend together enjoying the goodness, that really, truly is the GOODNESS! Cheers to Fall! …& way too many Pumpkin options to count.

xo. e.