Wellness Warrior
“When the sun goes down, on my side of town”, I’m trying to get my kids to bed. & I don’t get a lonesome feeling, I get the Wellness Warrior roller out (to roll on them) & I get a little peace of mind knowing that my whole world is about to turn quiet (not blue) lol! …Then I look at my their pictures while they sleep and miss them terribly. Anyone else?…
Okay, the Wellness Warrior Roller, one of my favorite ways to use essential oils for immune support in our home. We use it at night and in the morning. Before bedtime, I roll it down the boys spines and on the bottoms of their feet (If Rob’s lucky enough, I get him too!). I roll it on the bottoms of my feet at bedtime also and come to think of it no one really ever rolls it down my spine, but I think I’ll be alright! ;) #momlife. In the morning, I roll it down the spine (again) for the boys and usually behind the ears & on our wrists for Rob and I. If you are not familiar with essential oils you might be thinking, …Why the bottoms of the feet and down the spine? So to sum it up quickly, in regards to the bottoms of the feet, think reflexology and the idea that certain points on the feet are connected to your whole body and the idea that the oils would be carried throughout your whole system. Not to mention, our feet have the thinnest skin, big pores and no hair to further allow absorption more quickly and easily into our system. Similar to the feet and their connection to our whole body, our spines are like a freeway, connecting to everything. It is thought that applying essential oils to the spine helps to release toxins and kills viruses and bacteria that might accumulate along the spine. …Hence supporting our immune system through the application of immune supporting essential oils.
This may all sound a little witchy and woo woo, but if you know you know and then you don’t go back. ha! And beyond my own experience with using oils to support my families immune system, science is starting to take note too! Studies proving the power of essential oils are popping up more and more, all the time. I find it all so fascinating! I am also not saying that these oils prevent, cure or heal anything…but I DO believe that they can support our bodies in a variety of ways. …Just like certain herbs, foods and sunshine and water can help to support our bodies too. Which is why all of the above are crucial parts of my wellness toolkit.
Wellness Warrior Roller
Combine the following in a 10ml roller:
10 drops Thieves EO
10 drops Frankincense EO
5 drops Copiaba EO
5 drops Geranium EO
Fill the rest of the bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil
*See chart below for age appropriate dilution chart.
Why do I use these oils?…
Thieves: This blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary dates back to a recipe from the 15th century that was said to have been used by thief’s during the Black Plaque to protect themselves from the plague when entering homes of the sick. It is highly anti-infectious, antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic.
Frankincense: A natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and an astringent. Considered to be a tonic for all body systems.
Copiaba: Said to increase the effectiveness of the oils it is blended with. It is also an anti-inflammatory and an anti-microbial.
Geranium: A recent add to my wellness game, because of the research I have been reading on its power. It has antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-viral and anti-fungal compounds and endless benefits for the nervous system, lymphatic system and the circulatory system. Also supports balancing the endocrine system. Funny thing about this oil is, I was not crazy about the smell of it until recently. …Now I’m borderline crazy for it! This has actually happened to me with few oils, Lavender included.
Anyway, it’s something I feel good about using for our family and just love sharing the oily good stuff, so I created a Wellness Roller Bundle (with the oils above included) if you’d like to start this Wellness Warrior regimen too…and see for yourself. These oils can also be diffused, whether it be for this combo, another combination, or even individually. Have questions? …Yay! I love connecting about this stuff.
xo. e.
Oh! …& I forgot to add that if you proceed with this bundle, I’ll send you a 10ml roller & a bottle of Fractionated Oil, so that you can get rollin’ right away! Just shoot me an email, with a picture of your order.
Dilution Chart.
…For making 5ml & 10ml Rollers. The recipe above is formulated for adults in a 10ml roller.