Pizza Friday, Potato Style.

Revised 11/11/23

“Pizza Friday” for life! Anyone else? By the time the end of the week hits, I don’t want to decide what’s for dinner ever agin, or at least not until Saturday afternoon;) I love these because they are gluten-free! I also happen to view the potatoe as a healing, good for you, whole food (when prepared in a way that doesn’t take away from their nutritional value that is). I realize that some people avoid potatoes because of carbs or their night shade classification, so by all means..whatever floats your boat…whether it’s a potato one or not!

Potato Pizza Boats.

For my “pizza fix” on Fridays…

These are inspired by a recipe from Anthony Williams, however, I prepare them a little differently. I slice the potatoes into thinner pieces, rather than just in half, so that they can crisp up around the edges. So here it is if your interested…


  • 4 Large russet potatoes (or more depending on how many will be joining you, or how many leftovers you want). They are delicious reheated in the oven!


  • 1/2 cup pure tomato paste (find one with out additives)

  • 1 tsp dried oregano

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme

  • salt and pepper to taste

  • 1 teaspoon raw honey

  • 1/4 cup water

  • OR you could use your favorite simple ingredient pizza sauce from the jar - to simplify! This has been my go to lately!

TOPPINGS. (Suggestions)

  • chopped zucchini

  • onion

  • chopped green peppers

  • mushrooms

  • olives

  • turkey pepperoni or regs.

  • vegan cheese, or dairy

  • sun-dried tomatoes, fresh basil or arugula micro greens (I would add these types of toppings once out of the oven)

  • OR whatever your heart desires!



Preheat Oven to 375

Wash potatoes & slice them into 1/4” pieces lengthwise. Lightly coat on both sides with your oil of choice. I use refined coconut oil (melted) or extra virgin olive oil. Place on a parchment lined cookie sheet & then place in the oven. Bake until cooked through & just starting to get golden. The length of time on this usually depends on how thick or thin I happened to get the slices. So I check them regularly starting at about 15-20 minutes in.

While the potatoes are cooking I make the sauce by mixing together the tomato paste, oregano, thyme, raw honey (melted), water and salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste. Or if you are using your favorite pizza sauce, then just crack open the jar!

I also slice and dice whatever toppings I am adding to the mix that night. Sometimes I keep it super healthy with just veggies and sometimes I add a little vegan cheese and turkey pepperoni in with the veggies.

Once the potatoes are cooked to my liking, I take them out and add the sauce & the toppings. If I’m adding vegan cheese (or if your adding regular cheese) I like to put it on last, to help keep all of the topping passengers on the boat. Although I really like to load them up, so some always manage to jump ship.

Place in oven & bake until toppings are warmed, or the cheese is melted, or the potatoes are browned a bit more…or you just can’t wait any longer!



xo. e.